Bye Bye Broadway


Having spent 18 months selling our wares to the beautiful Broadway Market-goers, and building up a (sometimes addicted) customer base, we’ve taken the decision to move the business online and focus on private events and bespoke orders. Like these oh-so-French macarons that we made for the Vestaire Collective, adored by Vogue. And these GBBO specials, featured on ‘An Extra Slice’.

So if you’re in need of a macaron fix, or are planning a shindig, you just need to get in touch using our contact form or send me an email to

We’ve loved our time at Broadway Market and have met so many brilliant peeps. The amazing team who keep the market running (and standing, whatever the weather!), our fellow traders, like Miss Crofton and Martin Mossop, and most importantly of course, our dedicated customers saying yes to macarons,week-in-week-out. WE LOVE YOU.

If you’d like to stay updated on our plans, adventures and special offers, just complete the contact form, using the subject ‘keep me updated’ and we’ll keep you in the know.

Huge thank you’s to everyone who’ve shown us so much support and love over the past 18 months at Broadway come rain or shine!

Big love,


Cocktails in the Cake Mix

We’ve just about recovered from two nights of boozing and baking related activity, hosted by Cocktails in the City. An event which brings all the best bars in town under one roof. We were selling cocktail-charged macarons to appreciative (more than slightly inebriated) punters, including piña colada, amaretto cherry bakewell, espresso martini and bourbon salted caramel flavours.

It’s got us feeling merry about the return of our Christmas brandy butter macarons. Only 11 weeks to go!

If you’re into edible alcohol – then check out our pals Smith and Sinclair’s cocktail confectionary – now stocked in Harvey Nicks. Think fruit pastilles (only fruitier)..

And make sure you check out Cocktails in the City, which graces cities all over the UK with its overproof presence. Next stop Edinburgh..



Unsurprisingly, a lot of eggs get cracked in my house. And a lot of egg boxes come and go, in all shapes and colours. They’re  delivered in hundred plus packs, wrapped in clear packaging, under the watchful and confused gaze of the security guard, who is now convinced that we’re keeping chickens in our studio apartment.

Egg white, the most important ingredient in a macaron, is the gloopy beating heart of Alice’s Bakery. And the egg box packaging we use is a protective little reminder of that. Egg yolk, however, is the sworn enemy – one tiny spec can turn what-would-be stiff peaks into limp mounds. I’m kind of fed up of the by-products too – I’ve made enough hollandaise, mayonnaise and lemon curd to lubricate the entire London Underground for another 150 years.

But standing bum to bum each Saturday with a vegan market trader, who can’t eat macarons, got me thinking about making some egg-free ones. And so I nonchalantly promised to whip some up for next week.

I stocked up on Orgran egg replacer, pectin, xanthan gum and stuck my chemistry goggles on – surely this mix of bizarre ingredients can’t taste good. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to find out. My macarons sunk into a seriously sorry state (salami like photo evidence below).


I’ll be walking on egg shells until I crack this one – so if there are any vegan bakers out there willing to share their tips, please, please do. I would hate to be left with egg on my face. OK. Dad yolks over.

In good news, I’ve just had some beautiful heart-shaped egg boxes delivered for my Valentine’s day packaging. We’ll be delivering on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th so get in touch if you’d like to say I love you with macarons this year.
